Google+ Poliglot - Английский язык по Skype - Тест

Имя и Фамилия *:
E-mail отправителя *:
Контактный телефон *:
1. How ... you today? *:

2. Peter speaks French. He comes ... France. *:

3. Mary ... two brothers and sisters. *:

4. It often ... in Autumn. *:

5. We ... London last year. *:

6. ... idea is it to visit the exhibition? *:

7. Children ... in the garden at the moment. *:

8. Who did you ... at the party yesterday? *:

9. I always go swimming ... Saturdays. *:

10. I’m afraid ... spiders. *:

11. I have lived in Warsaw ... I was born. *:

12. I can’t see ... It’s so dark in here. *:

13. You ... to buy a ticket before going to the theatre. *:

14.The police wanted to know how the money ... stolen from the safe. *:

15. I’m really good ... sport. *:

16. I will call you from the station as soon as I ... . *:

17. She is ... than her sister. *:

18. Can you tell me what ... . *:

19. We spent the evening walking ... of rain. *:

20. If it ..., we`ll stay at home. *:

21. I wish I ... in such a cold country! *:

22.If Mark ... music,he wouldn’t have become a famous singer. *:

23. By the time Mary gets here, the movie ... . *:

24. Julia is very bright.She can talk about...subject that comes up. *:

25. I can’t stop ... It’s very funny joke. *: